EMBO CAPS® has been awarded with EcoVadis Bronze Medal (2022)

EMBO CAPS® announces 2022 EcoVadis Rating. 2022 has been EMBOCAPS' first year participating at EcoVadis officially and has been awarded a Bronze Medal. Highlights of the rating consist of ▲ISO 14001 certification (Environmental) ▲UNGC joining (Social) ▲Empowerment of ethical management (Governance) ▲Establishment of ESG Committee within the board. Out of the 4 evaluation categories, EMBO CAPS® achieved the highest score on ethics part, scoring 70 out of 100. To be in the top 6% rating next year, EMBOCAPS will continue to work on the required assignments for Gold medal. Also, the first sustainability report will be released shortly with full details of EMBO CAPS®'s ESG policies and activities by end of December 2022. Details of EcoVadis rating can be shared upon request.